Smiling or laughing is contagious; seeing someone smile naturally causes you to smile back, even if you are having a bad day. You see a chuckling baby that tickles your funny bone, whether you’re having a dispute with your husband or stuck in traffic, isn’t it?

Today’s dull, stressful work environment has taken a toll on our health, and we have forgotten to live in the now and appreciate the small things. The increase in stand-up comedians and comedy shows reflects this growing demand. People are paying a lot of money to see these acts.
This could be a break from their stressful routine. Laughter clubs in residential parks are groups of individuals gathering early in the morning and simply laughing loudly.
Is this a passing craze, or does research back up the belief that Laughter heals? According to researchers, mental stress causes 50% of our health problems. No, laughing will not suddenly fix your health problems, but stress will only exacerbate them.
So, if you see somebody frowning around you, use humor, the most potent tool, to turn that frown upside down. This medication is not available in any pharmacy, is free, and has no instructions.
Being open to good humor relieves stress and causes several physical changes in your body. You’ll be shocked to learn that those giggles do much more than merely lift your emotions. The mental or psychological benefits are apparent at first glance, but few people are aware of its physical benefits:
1. Stress Reliever
When one smiles, the movement of the facial muscles sends messages to the brain, which causes the release of endorphins, and neurotransmitters. These molecules work as natural pain relievers, make us cheerful, and lower stress.
The more one stimulates the brain to release neurotransmitters, the calmer and more composed one feels. Dr. Sanjana Saraf, a clinical psychologist at Max Super Specialty Hospital in Saket, New Delhi, says “When you are stressed, your body secretes the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol becomes more active when we are anxious, unhappy, or furious, causing the body to launch a sympathetic response. Happy thoughts, on the other hand, cause a parasympathetic response.”
2. Aids in respiration
Have you ever felt relieved after a good belly laugh? This is because Laughter involves deep exhalations, which decreases your heart rate and blood pressure and allows you to relax. Laughter, like deep breathing, has a purifying impact that is especially good for individuals with emphysema and other respiratory illnesses.
3. Enhances social relationships.
Frequent mood swings and troubles with anger exacerbate the situation between friends and family members. This usually disrupts the overall equilibrium of the household and is frequently the cause of breakups and divorce. Dr. Prerna Kohli (Ph.D.), a clinical psychologist in Gurgaon, explains how laughing influences one’s social relationships. “It is common knowledge that Laughter relieves stress.
Who would you rather be with – someone who is worried and throwing their emotional crap on you or who is fun, amusing, and makes you laugh? Laughter is good for the mind, body, and soul and is similar to soul jogging. Laughter infuses the relationship with tremendous energy and revitalizes it. Laughter is the most effective stress reliever.”
4. It either burns calories or tones your abs.
You cannot rely only on your sitcoms to help you lose that stubborn flab, but laughing is a form of exercise. When you laugh hard, your stomach muscles stretch and contract, precisely as when you do an ab workout. Laughter serves as a cheat sheet for achieving a toned stomach.
“It is well known that laughing burns calories. Yoga enthusiasts practice yoga and laugh in groups as you go around the city’s parks and gardens. One of the yoga asanas in the group is laughing.
Laughter, like jogging, causes a person to take deep breaths and the rising and falling of the chest to circulate blood throughout the body, “Dr. Kohli agrees
5. Get Plenty of Sleep.
If the last show you watched before falling asleep was a comedy, you have a better probability of falling asleep peacefully. A hearty chuckle before bedtime relieves anxiety and leads to a deep sleep, which is precisely what you need after a hard day.
6. Relieves Physical Pain
How does laughing help to relieve pain? The explanation is found in what happens within our bodies when we laugh. When you laugh heartily, the muscles stretch and expand the blood vessels, allowing more blood flow to all body parts. Furthermore, the rate of breathing increases, raising the blood oxygen level.
A person with a good sense of humor is always in a good mood and pursues each work enthusiastically. It is thought to be the best relaxation approach since it lowers the stress chemicals adrenaline and cortisol levels. Unlike meditation, Laughter allows all of our senses to spontaneously and seamlessly unite to provide a sensation of calm and joy.
7. Prevents diabetes.
Laughter impacts the neuroendocrine system, which regulates the body’s glucose levels. It improves the overall performance of the heart’s muscle function, similar to working exercise, to keep heart disease at bay. In reality, unpleasant emotions such as stress, fear, and anxiety raise blood glucose levels. Laughter lowers blood sugar by massaging the endocrine glands involved in glucose synthesis.
8. It boosts the immune system.
Laughing raises the number of antibody-producing cells and improves T-cell efficiency. This minimizes our vulnerability to common colds and coughs. Allergies and illnesses are kept at bay by a robust immune system.
Dr. Saraf says, “Laughter lowers negative thoughts, which weaken the immune system and make one susceptible to diseases. A happy person can better combat diseases because he is in the correct mind and takes his medications on time. The immune system enters a stress-free state.”
9. It Makes you appear younger.
Laughter is a beautiful facial muscle workout. About 15 facial muscles work together to produce that glee. Laughing stimulates blood flow to your cheeks, nourishing the skin and making your face sparkle. It tones the face, making you appear more attractive.
10. AntiDepressant
Because of the stress of modern work life, there has been an increase in mind-related ailments such as depression, anxiety, nervous breakdown, and sleeplessness, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. Laughter stimulates the creation of serotonin, a natural antidepressant that promotes a general sense of well-being and keeps one hopeful.